Mezcal is an ancestral Mexican drink made from agave, and although there are more than 200 types of agave throughout the country, traditionally only about 40 varieties are considered to be mezcal magueys.
Each mezcal is associated with a specific species of maguey, a farming region, and a mezcal family, and it is all of this, in combination with the soil that gives it life, that confers to each mezcal its characteristic flavor, color, and aromas.
If you are interested in delving into mezcal culture, learning the basics, and discovering and tasting the richness of its varieties, join the club and attend our tastings!
Place: La Pachuca (d’en Carabassa 19, 08002, Barcelona).
Date: June 29th, 2023 (Thursday).
Duration: 90 min.
Cost: 20€ per person.
Tasting of 6 different mezcals (cultivated, wild, or assemblies), accompanied by artisanal salts. Maximum group of 10 people, held in Spanish.
Activity for adults over 18 years of age.
Fill in the online form, make the payment, and send your voucher to lapachuquenatienda@gmail.com. Up to 10 people can register on the same form.
>>>>Those attending the tastings will get a 5€ discount on mezcals from La Pachuqueña, our online Mexican supermarket.